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Sofizmaty nieformalne

Materiały na temat logiki nieformalnej i sofizmatów nieformalnych będących najczęstszym rodzajem błędów występujący w myśleniu.

Link formal and informal fallacy
Def. z encyklopedii Britannica
Link Fallacies of unbelief
FALLACIES OF UNBELIEF by Arlie J. Hoover. Published By BIBLICAL RESEARCH PRESS. Książka o sofizmatach nieformalnych.
Link Informal Fallacies
Dr. Charles Ess, professor of philosophy and religion, explains and gives examples of logical fallacies.
Link Fallacy Files
Explains and gives examples of logical fallacies from the media and everyday life, with references to sources.
Link Fallacies
Site maintained by Stephen Downes, which catalogues over 70 logical fallacies together with examples and the criteria for determining when they have been committed.
Link Informal Logic
Link - Logical Fallacies
Logical fallacies are presented with detailed explanations, multiple examples, and tips on avoiding them. Fallacies are organized by topic and alphabetically.
Link The Nizkor Project: Fallacies
42 informal logical fallacies explained by Dr. Michael C. Labossiere, including examples.
Link The Power of Words
Emotional appeals, fallacies, manipulations, disinformation, misdirection, political correctness and the nature of truth. How some people get others to agree with their point of view, give them what they want, do what they ask and buy what they are selling.
Link Stoneforest - Critical Thinking
Offers an introduction to critical thinking whose main content is the description of fallacies, offering examples in daily life.
Link Błędy logiczne u racjonalistów i ateistów
Artykuł omawiający błędy w argumentacji ateistów.
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